Thoughts on a UK Constitution

'The UK Constitution' is a short document which writes down the main features of our current constitution and some possible options of what our democracy could look like.

This builds on the Committee's comprehensive report, 'A new Magna Carta?', and takes into account many of the options suggested in our extensive public consultation.

To keep the debate going in this election year and throughout the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, we want to gather more of your views about 'The UK Constitution'.

You can also continue this conversation on social media using #UKconstitution.

The survey will only take a few minutes to complete if you want to answer the yes/no questions. You can also give us more information about your views by fillling in the comments boxes.

Our questions focus on the shape of our democracy - the Executive, Parliament, devolved government, judiciary, and our rights.

1. What are your thoughts on our document 'The UK Constitution'? Which of the options in the document, if any, do you support?


2. Do you believe that the UK needs a formal written constitution?


3. Should the Head of State [currently the Monarch] be elected?


4. Should the Prime Minister be directly elected by the people?


5. Should the Prime Minister's powers be set out in law?


6. Should the House of Commons have the power to appoint the Prime Minister?


7. Should we have a different voting system from the one that we currently use for general elections?


8. Should the Second Chamber [currently the House of Lords] be elected?


9. How should powers be divided between central government and the devolved bodies?


10. What should be the basis for devolution in England? For example, should it be to regions, to an English Parliament, to current local government areas, or to cities?


11. What rights should be protected in a formal written constitution? For example, should we have special protection for the rights of specific groups, such as children etc?


12. Who should be responsible for deciding what human rights laws mean? For example, should Parliament or the courts have the final say?


13. Any further comments about any topics covered in this survey:

Use our survey software to make a survey.