Hedgehog Rehabilitation


1. Welcome to the questionnaire
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Thank you for your interest in this questionnaire. As you’re probably aware, hedgehogs are declining at an alarming rate, with populations between a third and a half of what they were in 2000. Whilst there is extensive ecological research investigating the cause of this decline, there has been little focus on the collaborative approach required to help save this charismatic species. We’d like to address this by exploring the role wildlife hospitals and rehabilitators play in this complex situation. This study will be the largest survey to date of hedgehogs in rehabilitation, and aims to understand a range of factors influencing their admission, treatment and survival. We have kept this survey as short as possible, whilst also trying to gain as much benefit from this unique opportunity. It will ask for some data regarding previous admissions, and it should take 15-30 minutes. We intend to publish the results in a leading scientific journal in order to share the findings and support more collaboration amongst all who are working so hard to save one of Britain’s most loved animals. Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time. We believe there are no known risks associated with this research study; however, as with any online activity the risk of a breach may be possible. To the best of our ability your answers in this study will remain confidential and no individual or facility will be named in any publication. All data is stored on a password protected computer, all personalised data will be deleted when the study is complete and only the researchers will have access. Where data must be stored for publication requirements, all individual responses will be anonymised. If you’d like to know any more about this please do contact me at Lucy.Bearman-Brown@hartpury.ac.uk. I am a doctoral researcher and lecturer at Hartpury University Centre in Gloucestershire, working in partnership with University of Reading, People's Trust for Endangered Species and British Hedgehog Preservation Society. Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this.
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