NEL citizens IAG


1. Information, Advice and Guidance in North East Lincolnshire - Citizens' survey
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Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey – your responses will make a significant difference to North East Lincolnshire’s future Information, Advice & Guidance (IAG) strategy. The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. You do not have to provide your name, but having some indication of your age, home area and key areas of interest would be very helpful. To help protect your confidentiality, the survey will not contain information that will personally identify you. The results of the overall survey will be shared with North East Lincolnshire Council and possibly with a wider audience.If you have any questions about the research study please contact Dr Kim Bevan (North East Lincolnshire's research consultant) on

Before you start the survey, it might be useful to have an explanation of what we mean by 'information, advice and guidance'.
What is Information, Advice and Guidance?
Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) aim to help you to get the things you need so that you can achieve the things you want to achieve, improve the things in your life that you want to improve and make better decisions about yourself and your family.

IAG can be about any and all parts of your life. It can be things like information about bin collection, or advice about getting a nursery place for your child or advice about paying council tax or guidance about healthy eating or giving up smoking. In fact, it can be anything at all that you need some help to sort out.

You can get information, advice and guidance in lots of different ways - from the internet, from an app, by texting, by talking to someone either in person or on a phone - it can even be workshops or training. It can be provided in your home, in libraries, via Community Centres, Children's Centres, GP surgeries, hospitals, supermarkets, pubs - anywhere you go regularly.

Do you think it would help you and your family if you had more IAG that you could get to easily? 

Create your own free online survey.