Councillors in handling public intimidation or threats to personal safety


1. Councillors in handling public intimidation or threats to personal safety
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The LGA is developing a guide for our members to help them avoid, address and handle public intimidation, be that via social media, other mediums or in person. The LGA are interested to hear from any councils who have concerns about or are supporting their councillors in handling public intimidation or threats to personal safety by members of the public to help inform and shape the guide. The guide will be launched at the LGA annual conference. As part of this, the LGA will be holding a dedicated workshop to explore the issues on Wednesday 24 April in London. We will withhold the names and the Council of all respondents.

1. If you have ever experienced public intimidation, threats or threats to your personal safety, can you share your experiences below?


2. If you reported your experience to the police, what action was taken?


3. If the issue was on social media, did you report the issue and what action was taken?


4. Can you share with us what the situation is at the moment?


5. Considering what the LGA should include in its guide, what support or guidance would you have found helpful when addressing your experience above, and what would you find useful now?


6. Is there anything else you think the LGA should be aware of in terms of supporting councillors in handling public intimidation, threats and personal safety?

Create your own free online survey.