HASSRA Scotland - Best Communication 2017


1. HASSRA Scotland - Best Communication 2017
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Does your club produce a magazine or newsletter? Do you communicate with members electronically or using the Intranet? If so we would like to know about it. Please forward copies of magazines/newsletters (maximum of 3) produced in 2017 (by e-mail HASSRA Scotland. If a communication is being submitted which is published on the Intranet or issued by email the details below should be completed and links or electronic copies provided.

1. Name of communication and HASSRA Scotland club. *


2. What is your name and email address? (In case we need to contact you.)


3. What is the format of the communication? (e.g. printed, web based or email)? *


4. If web-based or email what arrangements are made for retired members?


5. How many editions of the communication were produced in 2017?


6. How many copies were produced of each edition?


7. What approximate ratio to members is the distribution? (i.e. 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 etc.)?

Create your own free online survey.