Does the NEC3 foster collaboration in the construction industry


1. What is your job tittle?


2. How many years have you worked in the construction industry?


3. How many years experience do you have using NEC3 contracts?


4. How many years experience do you have using traditional contracts?


5. How many years’ experience do you have working on government funded infrastructure projects?


6. Is the NEC3 less adversarial then traditional forms of contract?


7. Does the NEC3 use clear simple english and less legal terminology then traditional forms of contract?


8. Do construction projects benefit from the early warning notification process?


9. Do construction projects benefit from implementing compensation events during the works as opposed to settling compensation events at the final account stage?


10. Do construction projects benefit from assessing both time and cost in a single compensation event as opposed to separately in traditional contracts?


11. Do construction projects benefit from compensation event being notified, priced, assessed and implemented within a defined and relatively short time scale?


12. Does the NEC3 encourage collaboration and reduce disputes between parties?


13. Is the NEC3 notification process burdensome and increase the cost of commercial administration?


14. Does the NEC3 provide higher levels of cost certainty and control of time as opposed to traditional contracts?


15. Does the time barring of compensation events cause animosity between parties?

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