Durham Brewery Online Survey


1. How often do you buy Durham Brewery beer? Please use the comments box to let us know your favourites! (up to three) *


2. What is your gender? *


3. What is your age? *


4. Excluding Durham Brewery, which is your favourite brewery? It could be either for draught beer or bottled beer, or one of each! Please tell us why, in a few words.


5. What sort of Durham Brewery beer do you buy, and who for? You can tick as many answers as apply.

For myselfFor someone else
Served from a handpump
Mini cask

6. If you buy the beer for someone else, what is their gender (please think of the person you buy the most Durham Brewery beer for, if you buy for more than one person).


7. If you buy the beer for someone else, what is their age (please think of the person you buy the most Durham Brewery beer for, if you buy for more than one person).


8. How would you rate Durham Brewery beer for quality? *


9. How much do you associate Durham Brewery beers with tradition? *


10. How much do you associate Durham Brewery beers with innovation?


11. How important to you is it that Durham Brewery's branding links it to the city/county of Durham?


12. When buying a beer you haven’t had before, how much do each of the following influence your decision? Please select one response per row.

Does not influence my decisionHas a small influence on my decisionHas a reasonable amount of influence on my decisionHas quite a lot of influence on my decisionIs very important in making my decisionNot Applicable
Word of mouth
The pump clip
The bottle label
Tasting notes (either written or online)
Advice from the person selling the beer
What I already know about the brewery

13. Please indicate how much you agree with each of the statements below about branding. By ‘branding’ we mean the look of pump clips, bottle labels, posters, etc.

I totally disagreeI somewhat disagreeI neither agree nor disagreeI somewhat agreeI totally agree
It’s important for a brewery to retain its branding unchanged
I tend to go for beers with branding that reflects their tradition and heritage
I tend to go for beers with branding that reflects how innovative they are.
A change of branding would put me off a beer I am already familiar with
Branding that looks different or unusual would encourage me to try a new beer

14. Which statement best summarises your plans for buying Durham Brewery beer in the future, compared to how much you currently buy? If you would like to say why, please use the comment box.


15. Do you have any other comments you would like to make? All comments - and the rest of your answers - are anonymous. However, if you would like to help Durham Brewery in future market research, do please enter your email address below. If you do, it will only be used for Durham Brewery market research purposes. It may be shared with external consultants commissioned to do such work.

Create your own free online survey.