1. What is your name and what do you study?


2. Have you taken part in a beach clean before, if so how many times?


3. Why do you or why would you consider taking part in a beach cleaning event?


4. Have you ever experienced a beach without litter?


5. Do you think littering the ocean is a real concern?


6. What affect do you think littering the ocean will have on the future generations?


7. If you have beach cleaned the same beach multiple times, has there been a difference to the amount of litter that you see over time?


8. Do you think littering is getting worse?


9. Do you think that people really know the damage of littering and the effect this has to their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of marine life?


10. Do you think that people really know the damage of littering and the effect this has to their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of marine life?


11. If people were more informed of the damages caused by littering, do you think this will make a difference?


12. What do you think needs to be done to put a stop to littering?

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