Survey on the Motivation of Volunteers and Casual Staff


1. Survey On Volunteering time and services (Causal Working or Volunteers)
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This purpose of this survey is to understand the motivation, dedication and difficulties experienced by those who volunteers, whether they be paid causal workers or unpaid volunteers, in safety, security, medical and support roles in the events industry. Your time and help to complete the survey is appreciated and will be invaluable in obtaining a representative view of individuals who volunteer their time across the sector. Whilst the survey may be sent to you by a member of an organisation, there is no connection to any particular organisation, employer or event holder. This is purely research into understanding the nature of volunteering to understand why there is a perceived decline in those offering their time. If you choose not to participate in this survey, please close the web page and all data will be lost. one you have completed he survey and clicked the send button, the data will be stored. All data is held anonymously and there is no connection to any participant. The results of the survey may be used to help provide guidance and information for organisations to re-shape their operations and offerings in the future. The question being asked by this and other targeted research is: Understanding and addressing the difficulties with recruiting, motivating and maintaining casual staff and volunteers as safety stewards in the events industry.
Use our survey software to make a survey.