Making Change Stick, the path to better health and wellbeing.

1. 3 Quick Questions for a healthy and productive 2019

This quick survey will help you narrow down your areas for improvement in your business and personal life for 2019. Just complete the following questionnaire to guide your thought process and hone in on professional or personal areas you may currently ignore or sideline. Simply by flagging them up they'll become easier to tackle. Have your best year yet.

1. What would you most like to change? *


2. Why is this change important to you? *


3. What has stopped you from achieving this in the past?

Growbiz and Susie Black Fitness have collaborated to develop a free 3 week online course designed to help you delve deeper into these challenges. You can sign up today by clicking here. (Don't worry, you can unsubscribe at any time!)
Create your own free online survey.