Audience Analysis for Informative Invasive Insect Species Project

1. The following questionnaire is to help me gather information to create a handbook/field guide to invasive insect pests for my 3rd year university project. Your answers will be used mainly for determining the content and structure of the guide, and partially for reference when I detail my methods to the university in a project report, which will be purely for marking by the university.

Although there are few questions on potentially sensitive personal opinions/information, it is important that you know that you can withdraw your data at any time for any reason and that you will remain anonymous.

I may wish to quote any long answers you leave, however most questions are scaled questions (1-5) with no text based answer required, furthermore feel free to not answer certain questions and still send your survey. If you do not wish to be quoted please tick the 'don't quote me box' below.

Feel free to contact me at or if you were directed to this survey via my forum post, you can message me on that website.


2. Relationship with Trees: (e.g: Garden owner, Tree surgeon, Work at a tree nursery, Tree enthusiast, Park user, etc)

Optional Details: (Location, Number of trees, Number of years of experience working with trees, Anything else you would like to include)


3. Level of knowledge on the subject of invasive tree pests
(1, low understanding -> 5, high understanding)


4. How available do you feel information on invasive tree species is (in the forms of books, websites, television):
(1, not available -> 5, very available)


5. How threatened by invasive insect pests do you feel your - park/workplace/nursery/local tree diversity in general - is? (1, low threat -> 5, high threat)


6. What information is important to you, if you were to seek information on an invasive insect pest?:


7. Do you feel as though in the area where you are most likely to encounter unknown insect pests or trees with pest symptoms, a handbook would be a more accessible and/or trustworthy initial source of information than using your phone or moving to a location where you have access to a computer? Taking into account distance from a computer, strength of internet and ease of access/navigation on any internet databases you may use.


8. Optional feedback on questionnaire: was it boring? did it feel as though I was asking irrelevant questions? did it feel too informal? Anything else?

Use our survey software to make a survey.