Baby Gifts Survey from SleepyNico

1. Have you ever received a baby carrier (sling) as a gift? *


2. If yes, who gifted it to you?


3. Have you ever given a baby carrier as a gift? *


4. If yes, who did you gift it to?


5. If you have given or received a baby carrier as a gift, was it connected to a particular event?


6. Thinking about new baby gifts in general, where do you tend to buy them from? *


7. What is your usual budget for a new baby gift? *


8. What kinds of gifts do you buy for a new baby (inc for their parents)? *


9. Do you keep / have you kept sentimental / personalised baby items? *


10. Do you keep / have you kept your outgrown baby carriers / slings? *


11. Would you be happy to be contacted us for more detailed market research?

If yes, please provide your name, contact telephone number and email below *

Use our survey software to make a survey.