Inter Faith Week 2016 - Event/activity organiser survey

Please help us keep helping Inter Faith Week to grow and develop. Your views are important to us and we would be grateful if you would take 5-7 minutes to respond to this survey. 

The survey is for event and activity holders. It has been created by the Inter Faith Network for the UK, which leads on national Inter Faith Week. Your responses will help us to develop the Week, share learning, and strengthen our year-round work to support good inter faith relations at all levels.

We know that, as Inter Faith Week has evolved, the ways in which people and groups have chosen to get involved has evolved, too. There are several different 'routes' through this survey, but all focus principally on 'events'. If you took part in the Week through some other activity - such as running a social media campaign, organising a series of articles, or encouraging participation through your networks - we would still love to hear from you. We suggest responding to whatever questions fit with what you did. There is a space at the end of all routes through this survey to tell us more in your own words.

Details about event/ activity


Please tell us the kind of organisation you are responding from:


What do you think is the most important thing about Inter Faith Week?


What did you think were the two best things about inter Faith Week this year?
This could be specific to your activities or about Inter Faith Week more broadly.