Copy of Importance of Social-Culture and Environmental Impact of Music Festivals

1. Have you ever been to a music festival?


2. How many music festivals have you attended?


3. Which of the following music festivals have you attended?


4. Did the festival/s provide incentives to motivate you to be environmentally friendly? E.g. Recycling, public transport links?


5. In your opinion, would you say that the event is environmentally friendly?


6. Have you attended music festivals specifically because of its environmental credentials?


7. Are environmental credentials a factor in your decision as to whether or not to attend a music festival?


8. Do you think that environmental sustainability of music festivals should have more promotion to increase attendee awareness e.g. focus more on encouraging attendees to be environmentally responsible at festivals?


9. Please rate the factors below which are considered what motivated you to attend the music festival by ticking the right box, from 1 most important to 5 unimportant.

1 Most important2 Some importance3 Neither / No opinion4 Not particularly important5 Completely unimportant
To enjoy music festivals.
To socialize with my friends or relatives.
Develop new skills and talents
Cultural experience
To meet new people.
To escape from everyday life.
To enjoy the event atmosphere.
Work e.g. volunteering at the event
Prices of the events

10. What impacts do you think the music festivals has on the destination?


11. Do you think that music festivals benefits attendees more then local community?


12. In your opinion can music festivals make a positive impact on their destination?


13. Please answer

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