1. Age – Please select your age:


2. Which gender do you most identify with?


3. Please identify your status at the University of Malta:


4. Please identify your programme level at the University of Malta:


5. Kindly indicate how long you have been studying at the University of Malta by selecting one of the following options:


6. How satisfied are you with the amount of lecturing you are required to engage in:
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


7. How satisfied are you with the mentoring (dissertation supervision, tutorials, personal etc.) you are given by your Department?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


8. How satisfied are you with the feedback you are given by your Department following assessment?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


9. How satisfied are you with administrative support you are given by your Department?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


10. How satisfied are you with the research opportunities at your disposal in your Faculty?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


11. Have you ever attended an Erasmus (or a similar) programe?


12. How satisfied are you with the responsiveness to your needs in your Department?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


13. Do you know who is the Head of your Department?


14. Do you know who the Dean of your Faculty is?


15. Do you feel the the Faculty ready to hear your views?


16. How satisfied are you with the level of communication of information in the Faculty?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


17. How satisfied are you with the level of social engagement (link with social partners, activism, involvement in the media etc) the Faculty is involved in?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


18. How satisfied are you with the responsiveness to your needs in your Faculty?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


19. How satisfied are you with the lecturing/tutorial facilities?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


20. How satisfied are you with the amount and type of Department and Faculty events (social, academic etc.)?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


21. How satisfied are you with the relationship you have with your lecturers?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


22. How satisfied are you with Departmental and Faculty administrative support?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


23. How satisfied are you with the way the timetable is organised?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


24. How satisfied are you with the Dean’s overall performance (leadership, support, etc)?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


25. How accessible and available is the Dean?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


26. Overall how satisfied are you with the Faculty Office (advice, support, efficiency etc)?
(1 – very dissatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)


27. Any other comment: *

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