RetrAct Assessment


1. Can you tell us your age please?


2. How do you describe your gender?


3. Are you currently in a relationship?


4. Please may we have an email address *


5. Can you tell us your location. We do not require an address, just the country and region.


6. 1. I think about my partners romantic or sexual past every day.


7. 2. I feel an on-going or frequent need to ask my partner about their past.


8. 3. I have looked at my partner’s private diary or searched on social media for more information about their sexual or romantic past.


9. 4. I sometimes gain immediate, but temporary relief when my partner answers questions I ask them about their past.


10. 5. I agonise over the choices my partner has made about their past relationships and/or sexual encounters.


11. 6. I find myself imagining my partner with their past partners.


12. 7. I wish partners had ‘saved themselves’ for me.


13. 8. I resent or regret how my partner once shared their home/life/holidays/vacations/friends/family with another/others.


14. 9. When thoughts of my partner’s past come to mind, I experience anger, anxiety, disgust or jealousy.


15. 10. My partner feels judged, harassed, labelled, pressured or intruded-upon by my jealous behaviours or attitudes.

Use our survey software to create your survey.