United Kingdom Association of Fee Paid Judges - Extending operating hours survey


1. We are following up the survey to ask whether people would be less or more likely to be willing to sit during extended hours if the hearings were a) remote or b) in person? *


2. HMCTS are seeking to run a short term extended hours programme of sittings in order to help to clear the backlog of civil small claims and fast track trials. Sitting during such hours is being considered on a voluntary basis with the same payment pro rata as for normal sittings. Are you willing to respond to this survey and for us to share the data provided with HMCTS? The survey can be completed anonymously or providing details if desired. We will not share personal details with HMCTS. *


3. Please provide your name circuit and jurisdiction or state if wish to remain anonymous *


4. If you do not sit in the County Court would you be willing to undertake EOH hearings


5. How far would you be prepared to travel from home/work if sitting from 5pm - 8pm ad or Saturdays?


6. Would you be willing to sit during the week from 5-8pm to hear small claims?


7. If Yes, would you offer 1 evening/2 evenings/more than 2 evenings per week?


8. Would you be willing to sit on a Saturday from 10-4 to hear fast track trials?


9. How many Saturdays would you prepared to sit on per month?


10. Are you a member of the UKAFPJ or interested in joining? If so please leave an email address for us


11. How keen would you be to sit out of hours on a scale of 1-10?


12. Finally do you have any other comments about the idea of extended operating hours and how it would affect you?

Create your own free online survey.