Parental Involvement in School




1. How involved do you feel in your child's education? *


2. Do you know what your child needs to do to improve? *


3. Where can you find out what your child is learning? *


4. In your opinion what is the best way to ensure you are informed about what is going on in school? *


5. Do you access the school website? *


6. Do you read the printed school newsletter? *


7. Is your child's class teacher available to speak to daily if you need to? *


8. Can you get an appointment with the following people if you need it? *

Family Support Worker

9. Do you enjoy coming into school to take part in events such as Express Afternoons and Christmas performances? *


10. What stops you coming in to school more often and taking part in school events? *


11. Which of the following would you be interested in attending in the future? Please select all the apply to you: *


12. What would you like to see happen in school that we do not already provide or have mentioned above?


13. Are there any suggestions you would like to put forward to improve home school communications?

Create your own free online survey.