Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS)

Below are some statements about feelings and thoughts.

Please select the number and statement that best describes your experience of each over the last 2 weeks.

1. I've been feeling optimistic about the future *


2. I've been feeling useful *


3. I've been feeling relaxed *


4. I've been feeling interested in other people *


5. I've had energy to spare *


6. I've been dealing with problems well *


7. I've been thinking clearly *


8. I've been feeling good about myself *


9. I've been feeling close to other people *


10. I've been feeling confident *


11. I've been able to make up my own mind about things *


12. I've been feeling loved *


13. I've been interested in new things *


14. I've been feeling cheerful *

Use our survey software to create your survey.