Length of School Day - viability study


1. Child's Name /s


2. Class /es


3. The government has a non-statutory expectation (by September 2024) for schools to provide a minimum of a 32.5 hour core week.
As a small rural school, Jordans School hours are currently less than this to accommodate travel to the junior schools for families who have siblings.
We are asking for your views on how an increase in Jordans School hours will affect your own circumstances.

Would an earlier start or end time make choosing Jordans School for your child impractical?


4. Would a start time of 8:30am be possible for you as a family?


5. Would a finish time of 3:15pm be possible for you as a family?


6. What issues do you foresee with a change to the school day timings?


7. Any other comments

Use our survey software to make a survey.