COVID-19 Local infrastructure capacity/response review March 2020


1. Thinking about the additional support likely to be needed by the health and social care system, are you involved in any plans to manage, co-ordinate or increase volunteer activity? *


2. If yes, what role are you expecting to play?


3. Thinking about care and support for vulnerable individuals who may have to self-isolate, have you made any plans to convene/co-ordinate/increase the level of support provided by the local VCS? *


4. If yes, what sort of support are you preparing to co-ordinate/deliver?


5. Thinking about your place-based networks, are you involved in any specific planning arrangements in relation to the local response to the virus? *


6. If yes, which ones?


7. Thinking about your communication channels, are you providing information, guidance or intelligence to your networks? *


8. If yes, who are your audiences?


9. If there was a need for a local co-ordination hub for voluntary sector activity, to include management of volunteers and liason with other voluntary sector organisations responding to need within your area, would you consider providing that service? *


10. If no, is that because of:


11. If you were to provide such a hub in your area, how much funding would you estimate you would require to deliver that service over a period of three months? *


12. Would you see any value in a nationally managed portal for volunteer registration and referral? *


13. If yes, what would you like it to do?


14. Have you carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment for your own organisation? *


15. If yes, what are your primary concerns at this point?


16. Please tell us the name of the organisation you represent: *