We want to hear your thoughts...We are always striving to improve our services and would be really grateful if you would tell us about your experience


1. What services have you accessed at the Sue Lambert Trust? *


2. Below are a number of statements about the services at the Sue Lambert Trust. Please tick the option which best indicates how you feel regarding each statement:

Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
I felt supported whilst I was on the waiting list for counselling
I felt listened to at the Sue Lambert Trust
Sue Lambert's staff and volunteers were professional
Sue Lambert's staff and volunteers were kind, supportive & caring
I found the support offered by Sue Lambert Trust helpful
I would use this service again if needed

3. Overall, on a scale of 1 (unlikely) to 10 (highly likely), how likely is it that you would recommend Sue Lambert Trust to someone else? *

Please choose

4. Did you find receiving support from the Sue Lambert Trust helped you in any of the following areas?

ImprovedDeterioratedDid not change
It increased my emotional wellbeing
It improved my overall health
I am better able to carry out everyday tasks
I have an increased feeling of safety
I feel informed and empowered to act in my life
I improved my coping resources
My self-esteem increased
I have reduced my suicidal thoughts and feel more able to manage these
My relationships with family and/or friends have improved

5. If you have any other comments please use the space below: