Speak with a midwife - campaign activation survey

1. Campaign feedback

The ‘Speak with a midwife’ campaign promotes the benefits of booking early in the pregnancy (by 10 weeks) and was co-produced with local woman representative of our diverse communities and launched on 18 September 2023. It was developed using behavioural insights to identify relevant barriers and facilitators that influence early pregnancy care decisions.

A ‘Speak with a midwife’ PowerPoint presentation is available and provides a comprehensive background on the importance of this work, aims, objectives and how it was developed, this can be edited for local briefings.

The launch was just the start of this and what is intended to be a long-term behaviour change campaign that is made sustainable throughout our communities. A large selection of resources has been made available online for local places and allies to use to help raise awareness and share with local people. A small print run of some items has also been shared with Trusts. An easy read version of the A5 flyer has been made available and factsheets of these will be produced in community languages at low cost. Phase II of the campaign will also include some lived experience of woman representative of our priority groups.

The campaign was developed centrally by the Local Maternity & Neonatal system (WY&H LMNS) to avoid duplication of effort, with the emphasis then on local activation by colleagues and allies across our six places across West Yorkshire and Harrogate. Your feedback to help us review where we are at and any potential gaps or opportunities would be very much appreciated.


1. Your role and place of work (across West Yorkshire and Harrogate)


2. Is early booking (in pregnancy) a priority in your area?


If yes to Q2, please tell us how this aligns to local work you (or others in your organisation) are doing?


3. Have you or others in your organisation shared the campaign with local networks/priority groups?


4. Have you seen this shared in meeting/community networks (where possible please provide examples)


5. What else could be done by you/your organisation/centrally by the ICB to reach priority groups in your local area?