Parent E-Safety Survey 2019

We would be really grateful if you could complete our Parent e-Safety Survey. e-Safety is about the protection of children whilst they are using the internet and digital technologies. Whilst our school strives to empower your children with the knowledge to stay safe, it is important that you have a good awareness of the risks and dangers yourself. There are 10 questions that should take you no longer than five minutes to complete. The results of this survey will give us a better understanding of any risks or knowledge gaps so that we can help you in our upcoming Parent e-Safety Information Sessions. The information you provide will be kept confidential. Thank you for your time.

1. Son/Daughter's Year Group?


2. Does your son/daughter have access to the Internet at home?


3. If Yes, what device(s) does your son/daughter use? (Tick as appropriate)


4. Do you know how to use the privacy and security settings on these devices?


5. Do you discuss safe use of the Internet or set Internet rules with your son/daughter?


6. Do you know the age rating & content of (online) games your son/daughter plays at home or elsewhere (e.g. at a friend’s house)?


7. The following is a small list of e-safety risks. If asked by your son/daughter, would you be able to explain clearly what they are?

YesNoA Bit
Inappropriate messages
Identity theft
Inadvertently sharing location

8. Do you know how to report inappropriate content or Internet activity?


9. If the school could provide you with information and advice on safe use of the Internet, which format would be best for you?

Information session at school
Advice on school website
Tips via school newsletter

10. If you answered 'Yes' in Q9, which topics would you like covered?

Use our survey software to make a survey.