Strength & Conditioning for Cyclists
Recent studies have indicated that regular Strength and Conditioning (S & C) coaching has been shown to offer major benefits to sports men and women at all levels of competence and fitness. The objective of this survey is to gain information on the role of S & C in cycling and to formulate ways in which it could become more widely used to the benefit of the sport.

1. Questionnaire


1. For you to be a better cyclist what do you think you need to improve? *


2. How often do you currently do any of these activites to improve your cycling?

5 sessions per week or more1-4 sessions per week1-4 sessions per fortnight1-4 sessions per monthLess than 1 session per monthNot at all
Weight training
‘Core stability’ training
Stretching and Flexibility
Spin classes
Turbo Trainer

3. What performance benefits to your cycling do you think doing the activities in ‘Q2’ provide? *


4. Are these activites guided/coached or self-led?


5. Where do you do the activites mentioned above? *


6. If Q4 is Self-led then what information resources do you use?


7. We're keen to know a few further details:

What is you age?


8. What level do you cycle at? *


9. Are you a member of a cycling club?


10. We would like to add you to our strength2perform community and send you free tips and coaching advice.  If you are happy to join then please complete the contact details below (non-compulsory):



11. If you have any comments or feedback please complete below:

Thank you for your time.
Use our survey software to make a survey.