The information we share with you

The information we share with you from the Child Development Centre

We want to make sure we are sharing the right information with our families and young people, especially when they are waiting to be seen by our service.  We know our waiting times are longer than we would like, and are working hard to address this.  We also know that, for lots of families and young people, they are hoping to gain clarity around a potential diagnosis.  We understanding that sharing information and resources can't replicate this, but we hope it provides additional support and guidance for you.

We are hoping to find out from you what you would like to know?  What information would it be helpful for us to be sharing?  If you have been seen by our service, what did we tell you that was most helpful or had most impact?  Are there tools and resources you wish you had known about sooner?

Any information provided is confidential, and will help to inform the ongoing development of our service - thank you.

1. I am


2. Please tell us about your contact with the Child Development Centre:


3. What information would you like to see us sharing?
This might be information which we shared with you that you found particularly helpful, or something that we haven't shared that you wish you knew.  It might be something which you want (or wanted) to know while waiting to be seen.  It can be a broad idea, a specific suggestion or anything in between.

Create your own free online survey.