Restoring Respect Online Questionnaire


1. Country ______________ U.K., Spain, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, other (please specify) *


2. In what age group do you belong? *


3. What is your level of education? *


4. Your involvement in lifelong learning *


5. What is your employment status? *


6. What is your current profession? *


7. Is your current profession similar to your studies, skills and competences acquired in your country or other countries? *


8. Do you feel that your skills and competences are recognized in this country? *


9. Do you feel that you have been integrated into the labour market of the country you currently live? *


10. Do you make use of any information and communication technologies (ICT) tools or other services that support you in your integration in the labour market? *


11. Would you be interested in attending an e-course which will provide you with basic employability skills? *


12. Which of the following employability skills/information would you like to learn in the e-course? (Please select all that apply) *


13. Please fill in your contact details in the form below if you are interested in attending a free Continuous Professional Development (CPD) accredited e-course. *NOT REQUIRED*

Use our survey software to make a survey.