Thank you in advance for taking part in this survey relating to Scotland Excel's proposed framework for Building Construction Consultancy (ref: 0920). 

Please ensure you complete and submit this survey before the closing date: 13th May 2021

The information that you provide will be used to help shape the framework scope and structure to ensure that it can best align with consultant's existing ways of working whilst also delivering quality and value to Scotland Excel members.  Any responses will be used only for market consultation purposes and will not, in any way, be considered as part of your bid to a subsequent tender opportunity.

Please note that Scotland Excel may hold further consultation with a representative selection of suppliers across this potential framework scope. As such, some of the information that is requested is to help us understand your positioning in the market as part of that.

Scotland Excel is the Centre of Procurement Expertise for the local government sector in Scotland. All 32 Scottish local authorities are members and circa 90 organisations are associate members. Established in 2008, our remit is to work collaboratively with members and suppliers to raise procurement standards, secure best value for customers and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public sector procurement in Scotland.

Scotland Excel develops and manages collaborative contracts for products, services and works where a strategic requirement is identified across our sector. For further information about our governance and set up, suppliers are referred to the following page of our website: