Maidstone Borough Business Survey

Maidstone Borough Council is working with planning and economics consultancy Lichfields to undertake a survey to explore future needs for business and employment-generating development in the Borough to help to plan for a good supply of land and premises for businesses.

As a local business, we would be interested to hear your views on the overall area, local infrastructure and existing commercial premises as well as how the choice of premises could be improved to better meet the needs of local businesses.

We would be grateful if you could take 10 minutes to complete this short survey to provide your feedback and views by 25th September 2019. If you have any queries about this survey or would like more information, please contact Helen Smith at Maidstone Borough Council on 01622 602065 or via

Disclaimer: Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Limited (‘Lichfields’) is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (registration number Z6193122).  Your responses will be analysed by Lichfields on behalf of our client: Maidstone Borough Council.  It is not envisaged that any personal data will be supplied by virtue of completion of the survey, but in the event that any personal data is supplied, it will be disregarded and deleted without undue delay.  Responses to this consultation may be made publicly available.