Tell us what you think

Forensic Heath Team

Can we ask you some questions about the help you have had from our service? This will help us improve the care and treatment we provide.
Your name will not be on the form. We will keep your response confidential and your clinical team will not be able to identify if you have responded. The only exception to this would be if you have responded to this survey via an SMS or email invite, and you raise a comment that suggests that you or someone else may be at risk of harm - in this instance we have an obligation to let the team know. Comments left here are not monitored everyday so please do not use this survey to raise specific questions or concerns about your care and treatment which require a personal response; for such matters, we encourage you to contact your named worker or the team that cares for you, as that is the swiftest route to getting the help you need from someone who knows you. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact our Mental Health Crisis Line on 0800 330 8590 (24 hour service). If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 999 or attend your nearest Emergency Department.

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