IFN website - COVID-19 section feedback

Since March 2020, the IFN website has had a special section on COVID-19. This includes pages about Government guidance; guidance from faith communities; inter faith responses and many others. 

IFN is committed to evaluating its work, and feedback helps us to understand what people find useful, and where we could improve!

We would be very grateful if you could take a couple of minutes to let us know about your use of the COVID-19 section of the website, including what you have found helpful and any suggestions you might have for improvement. 

Thank you!

1. Over the last year, how often have you visited the COVID-19 section of the IFN website?
(Please tick the option that most closely reflects how often you have visited.)


2. Thinking about all your visits to the COVID-19 section of IFN's website, please rank how useful you have found it overall.
(Please rank on the 1-10 scale below, with 1 as the lowest and 10 as the highest scores)


3. Thinking about your current visit to the COVID-19 section of the IFN website, please rank how easily you were able to find the information you were looking for.
(Please rank on the 1-10 scale below, with 1 as the lowest and 10 as the highest scores)

12345678910N/A (eg, you were not looking for something specific)

4. Thinking about all of your visits to the COVID-19 section of IFN's website, is there a particular page or item that you/ your organisation have found especially useful?
(If yes, it would be helpful if you could explain why/ how you used it.)


5. Thinking about all of your visits to the COVID-19 section of the IFN website, was there anything you did not find useful or thought could have been done better?


6. If you have any further comments or suggestions about the COVID-19 section of IFN's website, please add them here.


7. Your name and organisation
(You can complete this survey anonymously if you would like, but adding your organisation details in particular helps us to better understand who is using our website, and whether there are any patterns in what material different kinds of user find helpful.)

Data Protection Statement

Responses you give will be used as part of IFN's internal evaluation to help us continue to learn and develop our work. Aggregated data and anonymised quotations may also be used as part of IFN's internal and external monitoring and reporting mechanisms. Responses you have given will not be attributed to you or your organisation in any external context without your written consent, which will be sought from you where such use of your response is under consideration.
The Inter Faith Network for the UK, 2 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0DH | 020 7730 0410 | ifnet@interfaith.org.uk | www.interfaith.org.uk
Registered charity no. 1068934. Company limited by guarantee no. 3443823 registered in England.