Clay Cross is one of a number of towns up and down the country that were invited to submit a Town Investment Plan to gain Government funding through the Town Deal process. As part of this, Clay Cross has been allocated £24.1 million of funding to undertake a number of projects which are identified in the Clay Cross Investment Plan.
The Clay Cross Creative project will act as a focal point to the delivery of creative enterprise, arts and social programmes with a focus on engaging the community, including young people, around creative, artisan and social enterprise. This survey aims to consult with creative people / entrepreneurs / businesses / organisations to understand their current and future aims and objectives and what they will need to make them a reality, particularly relating to physical space and buildings. The results of this survey will then form part of the larger evidence base to inform the development of the Clay Cross Creative Hub project.
This survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and all information will remain confidential. The information is being used to inform the design of the Hub only. For further details and updates on all Town Deal projects, please see the following webpage: