Space Ecosystem Development Stakeholder Survey

UKSA Space Ecosystem Development - Stakeholder Survey

The UK Space Agency (UKSA) has commissioned BryceTech to monitor and evaluate the delivery and impact of the Space Ecosystem Development Programme.

BryceTech is seeking input from UK space sector stakeholders on the benefits and impacts of their local space cluster. The intent of this survey is to develop a deeper understanding of the impacts that occurred during the entirety of 2023 through to 31st March 2024.

We invite you to share your insights through this 15-minute survey on the role your local space cluster has had on your organisation and business, any support that you have received and benefits you have experienced or anticipate in the future. 

We want to thank you in advance for your time and consideration in responding to our survey. Your feedback on space cluster-related collaboration, job creation, innovation, partnership, and knowledge sharing will provide evidence allowing UKSA to provide better interventions in the future.

All raw response data will be kept confidential and reported either anonymised or aggregated where required. For more information on how BryceTech will handle your data, please consult our data protection policy and privacy policy. Partial responses will be recorded and may be used.

Please send this survey to other stakeholders within your organisation or network who might also provide feedback on their experience with the UKSA’s Space Ecosystem Development programme.

The deadline for this survey is 17th May 2024