

1. What does mental health mean to you as an individual?


2. What are your views on mental health and emotional wellbeing?


3. Do you have a vivid understanding of what mental health is and how it affects people around you?


4. Have you experienced depression or episodes of sadness?


5. Have you ever suffered from self-harm?


6. What helps you cope when you're sad or upset?


7. Where would you access support if you were struggling with your emotional wellbeing and mental health?


8. What are the best and most effective ways to reach out to young people who are struggling with their emotional wellbeing and mental health?


9. If you or somebody close to you e.g. a family member or a friend was struggling with their emotional wellbeing and mental health who would you go to for support and advice?


10. What type of projects would you like to see in the future?


11. What type of activities would you like to see in your community?

If anyone has any worries or concerns you can contact someone through:

Samaritans phone number: 116 123
Barnardo's phone number:  0800 151 2605
Wellbeing Connect Services phone number: 02088032200 / 07711128997

Create your own free online survey.