Business data compliance

1. Consent form
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 Participant Information Sheet 
The title of the research project
'Alexa, how much information do you have on me?' - Highlighting problematic areas on data collection through individuals and business owners. 
What is the purpose of the research/questionnaire?
The aim of this project is to highlight areas where individuals may lack knowledge of how much data they are disclosing unintentionally. The project will focus particularly on individuals who use artificial intelligence devices such as ‘Siri’ or ‘Alexa’. The second piece of research will take a different route and look at small to medium sized businesses and how they handle and secure this data. The goal of this research is to produce a brochure with guidelines on how individuals can be more responsible with their sensitive data. 
Why have I been chosen?
You may have been chosen for this study for two reasons. 1 – you are over 18 and make use of artificial intelligence devices regularly.  2- you are the owner of a small to medium sized business and have knowledge about your customer’s data. For the first part of research, 100 participants will be needed to give an accurate representation. Furthermore 30 participants will be needed for the second part of the research. 
Do I have to take part?
It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you do decide to take part, you will be given this information sheet to read.  You can withdraw from participation at any time and without giving a reason, simply by closing the browser page. Please note that once you have completed and submitted your survey responses, we are unable to remove your anonymised responses from the study.  Deciding to take part or not will not impact upon you.
How long will the questionnaire/online survey take to complete?
No longer than 5 minutes. 
What are the advantages and possible disadvantages or risks of taking part?
Whilst there are no immediate benefits for those people participating in the project, it is hoped that this work will inform individuals to be more responsible and more aware of how they choose to share their data. The effects of this will bring cybercrime rates down effectively. 
Use of my information
Participation in this study is on the basis of consent: You do not have to complete the survey, and you can change your mind at any point before submitting the survey responses.   We will use your data on the basis that it is necessary for the conduct of research, which is an activity in the public interest. We put safeguards in place to ensure that your responses are kept secure and only used as necessary for this research study and associated activities such as a research audit.  Once you have submitted your survey response it will not be possible for us to remove it from the study analysis because you will not be identifiable.
All research data collected for the purposes of this study will be held for 1 month, after which it will be deleted.
The information collected may be used in an anonymous form to support other research projects in the future and access to it in this form will not be restricted.  It will not be possible for you to be identified from this data.  
Contact for further information 
If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact: Tayla Paton –

1. I have read and understood the information sheet provided and I give my consent to participating in this study.

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