COLO-LIFE: Supporting a healthy lifestyle in people undergoing endoscopy

1. Introduction

At Newcastle University, we want to support people undergoing endoscopy to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In the next few pages, we will briefly explain why we think this is important. We would then like you to tell us what you think of the support we are planning to offer. Your views are really valuable and will help us to offer the best support possible.

The survey will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

To navigate through this survey, select the 'Next Page' button at the bottom. If you need to go back a page, select the 'Previous Page' button. If you leave the survey by accident before you have finished, just re-click on the original link and start again.

Contact details for one of the lead researchers are given below. Feel free to contact Sam if you have any questions or would like to provide more feedback.

Dr Sam Orange

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