Survey to people affected by cancer (including carers) in East Sussex - to inform info and support service development

Macmillan Cancer Support has recently started a new piece of work to improve cancer information and support for people in East Sussex. We are gathering feedback and ideas from people who have had a cancer experience, including carers, in order to help us better understand needs and gaps in local services.

We are sharing this survey with people who have had a recent family experience of cancer, including people who have been diagnosed themselves and people who have been carers. We would really appreciate it if you could take the time to help us with this important piece of research. The insight and ideas gathered will help us to develop plans for improving information and support for local people.

All the questions are optional. A couple of questions require an answer but these allow you to give a neutral answer or no answer. Feel free to skip past any if you wish.

By submitting this survey, you confirm that you are happy for Macmillan to use the information you've disclosed, including if you have shared about your cancer experience, to help inform its ongoing commitment to improve local cancer information and support.

We promise to keep your details safe and never sell or swap them with anyone. This includes any sensitive personal data you may provide. Our privacy policy on our website at explains how we keep this promise. 

1. Which of the following best fits your recent experience of cancer?