Liberal Democrats Abroad Policy Consultation


1. Please give us your name if you'd like to (if not, please leave blank).


Please give us your email address if you'd like to hear from Liberal Democrats Overseas again (if not, please just leave blank)


2. Do you agree with the Liberal Democrats adopting the following policies? (For further information on these proposed policies, please visit the Lib Dems Overseas website:

Strongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree or DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Votes for Life
Overseas Constituency
Full UK Pension
Improved Foreign Office Support
Equivalent Access to UK Universities
Protect UK Residency Rights

3. We'd like to know which policies you think are most important. Please rank the six policies in order of importance

1 (Most Important)23456 (Least Important)
Votes for Life
Overseas Constituencies
Full UK Pension
Improved Foreign Office Support
Equivalent Access to UK Universities
Protect UK Residency Rights

4. Are these policies the most important six issues to British people living abroad?


5. Do you have any comments about our six policies?
We'd love to know what you think - please provide any relevant comments.


6. Are there any important issues to British expats living aboard that we are missing?
Please provide suggestions for policies that you think we should adopt.


7. Have you previously ever voted for the Liberal Democrat party in a General Election?


8. Would policies that concern British people living abroad make you more likely to vote Liberal Democrat in a General Election?


9. And finally, which country do you live in?

Use our survey software to create your survey.