Austrey Village Hall out door space


1. Are you a resident of Austrey


2. Have you used the Village Hall


3. If you answered yes what type of event have you attended, you may tick more than one box


4. How frequently do you use the Village Hall?


5. If you have not visited the Village Hall which of the following answers apply in your case? (you may tick more than one)


6. If you have used the hall are you happy with the improvements made as aresult of the last on-line survey? They are:

Improved access,
New kitchen
Silent and more efficient heating
Disbled toilet
Digital Projector
Fire alarm system


7. The purpose of this survey is to establish the need for the one outstanding item raised in the last survey - provision of an outside entertainment / leisure space.

Would the development of the disused rear playground area into such a space enhance your enjoyment of the Hall?


8. Would the availability of an outdoor leisure/entertainment area make you more or less likely to use the Hall?


9. If we did raise funds to develop the area what features would you wish to include? please tick as many as apply. Note some are aspirational and may prove unaffordable


10. Please indicate which of the above you consider to be ESSENTIAL if you were to use this new space


11. The village hall has limited funding and a grant of the amount necessary to develop the rear area will have to be matched in part from our own funds. This may limit our ability to fund other improvements for at least a year perhaps more. Is there another community project or Hall facility you would rather we spent our money on?

Please make any suggestions you have below


12. Remember this is an anonimous survey and we do not have any means of tracing respondents

Our sponsors will wish to know that we have sought the views of a wide range of residents, hence we need to ask a few simple questions about you

Firstly your gender? please tick one of the boxes below


13. Remember this is an anonimous survey and we do not have any means of tracing respondents

Your age, Are you?


14. Remember this is an anonimous survey and we do not have any means of tracing respondents

And finally ethnicity (Please tick as many of the boxes as you require.)

Do you consider yourself to Be?

  • White
  • Asian or Asian British
  • Mixed
  • Black or Black British
  • Other Ethnic Group

15. Remember this is an anonimous survey and we do not have any means of tracing respondents.

If you are a resident how long have you lived in the Village

Use our survey software to create your survey.