Equal opportunities form

1. Sue Lambert Trust Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

Sue Lambert Trust is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to everyone regardless of race, gender ability, religion, sexual orientation, or age. The information you give on this form will help us comply with our policy of ensuring equality in our services to you. We recognise that some people may regard some of this information as personal and we have included an option ‘prefer not to say’ and you do not have to complete all of this form. All information that Sue Lambert Trust collects around equality and diversity will be treated confidentially in accordance with GDPR 2018. Access to this information will be restricted to Sue Lambert Trust staff involved in the processing and monitoring of this data and it will be used to provide statistical information for various returns that we have to provide. (Smart Survey provide site security information on their website in the Help Centre.)

1. Your date of birth *


2. Please describe your gender identity? Are you:


3. What is your sexual orientation?


4. What is your ethnicity?


5. What is your religion/belief?


6. Disability (The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as "someone who has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long tem adverse effect on a person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities"). Please tick the approriate box