Immigration Advice Provider Survey


This project is researching and mapping immigration advice in London, on behalf of the Justice Together collaboration of funders, to inform their funding strategy to increase the availability of immigration advice.

We are trying to understand demand, supply, referral routes and relationships between organisations in as much detail as possible.

We are interested in both numerical data and more qualitative perspectives, so any information you can give us is useful.

We know everyone is busy, so we've set up the survey so you can skip any questions except this one, for consent.

If you would rather talk to us directly, please enter your details in reply to Q2 and we will get in touch. Alternatively you can email and we'll contact you as soon as possible.

Data will be securely stored on password protected computers and all reporting will be anonymised. This survey software is GDPR compliant.

We will use the information you give for reporting to the Justice Together Initiative and may also write academic journal articles based on the research.

Please check 'Yes' to indicate that you consent to your data being stored and used in these ways. *


If you would prefer an interview instead of completing this survey, please insert your contact details and submit the survey.


Please give the name and borough of your organisation.
(You can leave this blank, but it's really helpful to us to know who has responded.)


Level of casework offered (eg. OISC Level 1,2,3, legal aid)


How many immigration advisers are in your organisation at each accreditation level?


Are there any restrictions on who can access your immigration advice services? (eg. certain ages or boroughs only)


How many cases / clients do you take on in a year (pre-covid)?
Please estimate if you do not have exact data on this.


How many clients do you turn away per year?
Please give as much detail as possible if you do not keep data on this.


Which of the following kinds of cases do you take on? Please indicate all that apply. Please give approximate numbers of each case type per year in the comment box, if known.


Are there any kinds of case (including the above) that you prioritise or exclude? This might be for reasons of demand, financial viability, adviser specialism, or any other reason.
Please give reasons.


What are your income sources / funding types?
Please tick all that apply.


Who refers clients to you? How else do clients come into contact with you?


Where do you refer people who you are unable to help?


How do you see clients (pre-covid)?


What (if any) other types of advice are offered on your premises?


What, if anything, would help you to expand or improve provision?


What practice networks do you belong to or use?
(Eg. ILPA, Refugee Legal Group, Housing Immigration Group, Free Movement, Law Centres Network)


How are you / your clients funding chargeable applications?


Have you had any difficulty recruiting appropriately qualified advice staff?
If Yes, please describe.


If there is anything else you would like to tell us about immigration and asylum legal advice in London, please add it here.

Create your own free online survey.