Adolescents with or at risk of polycystic ovarian syndrome and its management.

1. Demographics


1. I am a: (Please select one box)


2. Workplace: (Please select one)


3. Your gender: (Please select one)


4. How many girls with PCOS like features do you see in a month (Please select one box)


5. Currently which treatments do you offer teenagers who have symptoms of hirsutism, acne, infrequent periods: (select all that applies)


6. Important PROMS
There has been very little research on therapies specifically for teenagers who are at risk of PCOS. Potential outcomes below were identified by systematic review of instruments used and qualitative studies of what patients thought was important to them. We are trying to establish what would be important (including patient reported) outcomes for teenagers at risk of PCOS taking medications for their symptoms.

We ask you to use a five-point Likert scale to rank each outcome for its clinical importance (anchored between 1 as least important and 5 as most important).