Haemato-Oncology Carers Survey- King's College Hospital

1. Information sheet

Dear Haematology carer,

At Kings College Hospital and more specifically in the Haematology department, we are dedicated to improving the clinical service we deliver. As part of this, we want to consider how we support partners and carers of our patients and how we might be able to improve this.

PLEASE NOTE we are currently limiting the participants of this questionnaire to carers of patients at King's College Hospital.

If you are a carer of a patient at King's College Hospital, we would like to ask you to take part in an online survey to learn about your experiences. If you would like to be involved, you can complete the survey by following the link below.

The survey should take only 10 minutes to complete.  You will not be asked to provide any personal identifiable information. The information gathered will be used to inform our local Haematology service developments, will be shared with colleagues at departmental meetings and may be published in healthcare journals or presented to other healthcare professionals outside Kings College Hospital. Completion of the survey is voluntary.

Thank you for your valuable time.

Haematology Mind and Body team
Use our survey software to make a survey.