Website research


1. Do you have an eating disorder or know/care for someone with an eating disorder?


2. Are you a health care professional?


3. How likely are you to recommend the connect webpage to a friend/family member?


4. Do you have trouble finding anything?


5. What are you hoping to accomplish by visiting the Connect webpage?


6. Is there anything missing on this page?


7. How easy was it to find the Connect page? Did you have any problems?


8. How easy was it to use the Connect page? Did you have any problems?


9. What do you like most and least about the Connect page?


10. Did you find the content on the Connect page relevant?


11. Did this page help you?


12. Did you find that information valuable?


13. How easy is it to understand the information on our website?


14. What is your impression of the Connect based on the webpage? *

Use our survey software to make a survey.