Closer to Animals Survey


1. About our Survey - take part today!
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Dear friend,

One of the many things we’ve learnt during lockdown is just how much we love animals. During these challenging months of restrictions and social distancing, many of us have become closer to the animals in our lives than ever before!

We’ve spent a lot more time at home with our pets and cherished the comfort they give to us and our loved ones. Some people have been able to do more training with their dogs, which has served to strengthen the bond between them. Many people have been able to explore more of their local areas discovering new places to walk, that are accessible without needing to drive. It’s widely reported that escaping into nature has many physical and mental health benefits.  And then some of us have simply enjoyed more time watching the birds and wildlife in our gardens, especially when shielding from the Covid-19 virus.

We’d love to hear from you about how animals have benefited your life during lockdown or maybe, how you have tried to help animals or wildlife! Take part in our quick survey today! 

We plan to use the results of this survey to advise MPs and policymakers in the UK, about how important and beneficial animal relationships are to human health and how precious animals are to us. We want to use your knowledge and real-life stories, taken anonymously from the survey, in drafting a ‘Closer to Animals’ report. The aim of the report is to assist government and policymakers in improving animal welfare laws such as increasing penalties for animal cruelty.

Thank you!

With best wishes,
Caroline and the Naturewatch Foundation team

1. Which of the following issues particularly concern you? (please choose as many as you like) *

Use our survey software to make a survey.