Poetry for Mental Health



I am researching how living in a coastal town affects mental health through poetry. Times have changed a lot in the past few weeks, and in an ever more stressful world, it is important we can have a means to voice our feelings.

Since poetry allows us to express ourselves more openly, I am aiming to co-create a poem using different people's experiences. They can be positive, negative, whatever you feel.

Could you write four lines about how you feel living in a coastal town? Have recent events affected your life by the sea?
If possible, the first and last lines should rhyme. There are no other restrictions, feel free to write how and what you want.


A place of peace, my escape, the sounds of the sea,
Swimming across the stones,
Quieten the thoughts that plague my mind,
My wish to run from this reality.

A rhyming dictionary can be found here: https://www.rhymezone.com/

As a collaborative poem, co-authors have the option to leave their name (in question 3) or remain anoymous (and be recognised under the collective pseudonym Leonard Moray). All co-authors will be accredited as a list of authors seperate to the body of text, to ensure acknowledgement yet respect the anonymity of other co-authors.

As the poem develops, work will be collated and posted on Beneath the Surface's website for all to see and enjoy:

Many thanks for taking the time to share.


1. Which coastal town are you writing from/ about? *


2. If you would like to be listed as a co-author, please include your name.

Create your own free online survey.