Declaration of Parental Responsibility

Adult's Personal Details

1. Please enter your Full Name including any middle names: *


2. Please enter your full Postal Address: *


3. Please enter your Date of Birth: *


4. Please enter your email address: *


5. Please enter your phone number: *

Declaration of Parental Responsibility

6. Please enter the Child's name including any middle names: *


7. Child's Date of Birth: *


8. Names of People with Parental Responsibility: *


9. Names of others authorised to bring the above named child for treatment at EdgCARE:


I confirm that I have parental responsibility for the above-named child and that I am happy that my child be treated if accompanied by any of the above-named people. I confirm that I will inform the surgery in the event of any change.
Please enter your name below to confirm this: *