Review of Climate Emergency Action Plan 2023


Bridport Town Council responded quickly in 2019 to the emerging consensus that climate change had become a crisis that required emergency action. BTC declared a climate emergency in May 2019 and followed this up with a detailed Action Plan in October 2019 together with a dedicated budget for the climate emergency of £100,000.

The Climate Emergency Action Plan 2019 has guided BTC policies and actions for the last 4 years. A Climate Action Sub Committee has met regularly (monthly) to oversee delivery of the CE Action Plan and to ensure that the climate action budget was wisely invested in projects that benefitted the local community.

The CE Action Plan 2019 set out to:
GOAL 1                 To decarbonise and reduce the Town Council’s carbon footprint;
GOAL 2                 To work towards making Bridport a Carbon Neutral Town by 2030;
GOAL 3                 To prepare Bridport for the impacts of climate change by developing greater community resilience.

This review of the CE AP 2019 takes stock of actions to date. Which actions are now complete? Which actions need to continue or expand and what new actions need to be considered to better deliver on the three goals of the CE Action Plan? The review is also an opportunity to consider what are the new priorities for action and how a plan for Bridport supports activity by government, by business and by individuals.

This questionnaire accompanies a review document that can be viewed at:
Climate Emergency Action Plan – Bridport Town Council (



What do you consider to have been the most positive aspects of the Bridport Climate Emergency Action Plan 2019 (CE AP).
Feel free to add comment in the box provided:

AgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagree
Having a CE AP has raised awareness of the climate crisis
Having a CE AP has driven actions in response to the climate crisis by the Town Council
Having a CE AP has supported actions in response to the climate crisis by the community and business
Having a CE AP has helped push for actions in response to the climate crisis beyond Bridport


What do you consider to have been the weak aspects of the Bridport Climate Emergency Action Plan 2019 (CE AP).
Feel free to add comment in the box provided:

AgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagree
Too many actions
Too little funding to support actions
Too little influence over actions of others
Having a CE AP has not really made a difference to the carbon trajectory of Bridport


What would you like to see in a refreshed Climate Emergency Action Plan?
Feel free to add comments in the box provided.

AgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagree
Fewer actions
More focused actions
Only include actions that are fully funded
Only include large scale collaborative actions
Focus on actions that support the local community with climate adaptation
Focus on actions that reduce emissions of Greenhouse Gases

4. If you would like to add any other comments about the Climate Emergency Action Plan review please use the box below.

If you would like to be emailed updates about the refreshed CE AP please provide contact details.


Create your own free online survey.