Scotland Excel Equality Monitoring


Scotland Excel has an obligation under Public Sector Equality Duty in Scotland to request your equality information to help ensure our policies, employment practices and services are fair, reasonable, and meet your needs.

To allow Scotland Excel to consider your equality needs, please answer every question by clicking the relevant option.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, the information you give us will only be used for purposes of equality monitoring and reporting.

Please be assured that you cannot be identified in any published reports and your details will not be passed to anyone else or used for any other purposes.

If you have any questions, please contact 

1. Gender *


2. Is the gender you identify with, the same as your gender registered at birth? *


3. Sexual Orientation *


4. Age Group *


5. Nationality *


6. Ethnicity

Ethnic origin is not about nationality, place of birth or citizenship. It is about the group to which you perceive you belong.
Please tick the appropriate box: *

  • Asian or Asian British
  • Black or Black British
  • Mixed
  • White
  • Other Ethnic Group

7. Religion or Belief *


8. Marital Status *


9. Do you consider yourself to have a disability or health condition?

The information in this form is for monitoring purposes only and are not seen by the recruitment team.

If you fit the criteria for guaranteed interview or need a ‘reasonable adjustment’, please ensure
to include this in you covering letter so the recruitment team are made aware.


10. Do you have carer responsibilities?


11. If yes, please select all that apply:

Primary CarerSecondary Carer
Child(ren) (under 18)
Disabled Child(ren)
Disabled Adult (18+)
Older Person

12. Where did you learn of this vacancy? *