Participation - being listened to and having a say!
Participation – Being listened to and having a say!

Hello all!

Rochdale’s Children in Care Council – Listen Up - really want to find out if you feel listened to and have a say or ‘participate’ in decisions that are important to you.

‘Participation’ means that someone has asked you what you think and feel about something and take your views into account when decisions or planning something.  

We want to know about times when you have felt listened to.  It would also be great to know when you have really felt part of making decisions (this could be in a care planning meeting, review, at school, at home, a social activity or about services in social care).

1. Three times where you feel you have been listened to:


2. Times when you feel you have not been listened to:
(If you feel that you are always listened to then please leave this blank).


3. A time when you have been involved in making a decision?


4. A time when you feel that you could have been given more of a say in a decision about you.


5. If you would like to be contacted about joining Rochdale's Children in Care Council - Listen Up - then please provide your name and contact number.

Angela McCormack – Rochdale Youth Service
T. 01706 924296
M. 07527 385759
Laura Goodfellow – Rochdale Children’s Rights (The Children’s Society)
T. 0161 763 2170
M. 07899958947
Use our survey software to make a survey.